The programs listed below are presented only for a superficial acquaintance with how vast and rich yoga practice can be. B.K.S. Iyengar had a dream that absolutely anyone, regardless of age and physical form, could start doing yoga. Sometimes very sick peoples were brought to therapy classes and assistants “laid them out” in poses. A variety of practice, coupled with the skill and experience of the teacher, allow you to engage in absolutely everyone and achieve a variety of desired goals. Moreover, the goals in the process of practice can change 🙂
The presence of certain health problems may be a contraindication for performing any type of posture or type of load, and this must be definitely discussed with the teacher.
Beginners start mastering yoga with the simplest poses. They get to know their body, how it is arranged in terms of motor skills and how certain parts of the body can work (strain, relax, be in good shape, stretch). They master the geometry of poses and get acquainted with the basic concepts that the teacher operates, begin to understand the limits of their body (how much arms and legs can bend, how much they can lean forward, to the side, etc.)
In the elementary class, all types of postures are mastered, naturally, starting with the simplest of their type: standing postures (which are given special importance in Iyengar yoga, and especially for beginners, since in them, rather than in other types of poses, the student can learn to work legs, which is very important for the correct execution of all other types of poses), forward bends, bends, twists and simple inverted poses (when the legs and body are higher than the head).
Active practice can involve both the implementation of more difficult poses for advanced students, and physically intensive training based on simple poses for beginners. Power poses will appeal to men. For fragile women, there are adapted options for power poses. This includes the dynamic sequences of poses (vinyasas), the Surya-Namaskar complex (salutation to the sun), which will charge you with cheerfulness and energy !!!
In Iyengar yoga, a large number of options for performing poses have been developed using additional supports and objects (props) for various situations. Props and additional supports allow you to increase the time spent in poses to achieve a therapeutic effect, relieve some parts of the body and, at the same time, “get” to other parts that are difficult to use without props.
Asana complexes for back health involve exercises to relieve muscle spasms, relieve deforming tension from intervertebral discs, to improve blood and fluid circulation in the spine; strengthening the muscle corset and developing the correct posture, which is the most important condition for maintaining a healthy spine.
No matter how young you feel at your 50/60/70/80, the body loses its elasticity and strength. But this is not a reason to give up classes, on the contrary, a reason to start or continue them!
The practice for mature students has its own characteristics. The rhythm of the classes is calm and many additional supports and props are used. In Iyengar yoga, a large number of adapted pose options have been developed, and a qualified teacher will be able to choose the right options for everyone.
I have quite a rich experience of studying with people aged 60, and my parents, who also study with me, even more.
Each pose (asana) affects not only muscles and ligaments, which is obvious, but also bones, blood vessels, nerves, connective tissue, internal organs, metabolic processes, mental and emotional state. It is possible to stimulate or calm the activity of an organ or system.
There are postures that have a calming effect on the nervous system when the production of the stress hormone cortisol decreases. The practice of pranayama (control over breathing, or more precisely, over the vital energy of prana) will allow you to learn at least to some extent to calm down the endless whirlwind of millions of chaotic thoughts that arise every second in our minds, which will prevent the development of a negative reaction to stressful situations.
A holistic yoga practice is also a powerful antidepressant (which I claim from my own personal experience).
Yoga classes during pregnancy have their own characteristics and involve a great responsibility of the teacher, he must have certain knowledge. In practice, many additional supports and props are used. Yoga women during pregnancy can either continue to practice or start. Although, of course, it is always better to start before pregnancy. These activities are designed to make the woman feel good. They are not “preparation for childbirth”, there are specialized centers for this.
My qualifications allow me to work with women whose pregnancies are proceeding normally (the woman had no miscarriages, the pregnancy was uncomplicated, and the conception occurred naturally). However, the woman must obtain a doctor’s permission to practice.
If the pregnancy is difficult (there is a threat of miscarriage, conception occurred as a result of IVF, or the pregnancy is difficult, or there were earlier miscarriages), but someone very much advised you to yoga therapy, then you need to contact a teacher of higher qualifications. In Iyengar yoga, such a teacher must have a diploma of at least the Junior Intermediate-II level.
To recover from a coronavirus infection, I can offer you a set of simple exercises aimed, first of all, at the regeneration of lung tissue and normalization of respiratory function.
This is a very soft practice, the exercises are very simple, they can be performed by people of age, very weak, even who have never engaged in any kind of physical activity. Exercises are performed in lying and / or sitting positions on a chair, stool, armchair, sofa, supported on a wall. Further, depending on your specific situation, we can work on other problems that have arisen as a result of coronavirus infection, such as heart problems, nervous tension, depression, etc.
These exercises are recommended by leading Iyengar yoga specialists in Russia, and I already have positive experience with them.
They are the ideal choice, as they allow you to conduct classes with maximum efficiency. In accordance with the specific needs and characteristics of a particular person, an individual practice is selected. When choosing a practice, age, gender (practice for men and women has its own characteristics), the presence of chronic diseases, past traumas, the presence or absence of experience in sports or other types of physical activity, psychological state and goals set, wishes with which man came to yoga.